Must haves in your handbags/ purses ladies

Lip Balm
Let’s start with one of the most important items. Tinted not solid or colourful, especially during the winter, you want to keep your lips chap – free. Chapped lips will give the impression of wind-chilled and deteriorate your elegant look. Ladies don’t forget your chap sticks not just for beauty but for the sake of your health. Don’t allow chapped lips to lead to any health risk.
Hand Cream
Our hands are as important as our lips, the same care is needed, as again specially during the cold weather. Though we may not need to keep using hand cream but then to have available in our bags is a must. Instead of having some chapped and rough hand, get your hands looking and feeling soft.
A perfume no matter how big/small, even sample sizes, keep one of these in the corner of your bag. No need to splash out, a simple fresh scented perfume will do perfectly well.

Our body needs water, to nourish and clench our thirst. It is another very important item we need with us at all times especially now that weather is getting hotter. So always make sure you drink plenty of water during the day. Keep yourselves hydrated and lively. You can get yourself a little bottle almost anywhere and/or store in your home cartons of those little bottled water to ensure you grab one every time you are out and about from your home.

A Diary – Call it planner
This particular item may not seem quite as essential for everyone but be assured that this will save you time and money planning and scheduling your day, more so will keep you organised. A diary allows to fit a lot more of your daily routine and live it to the fullest. Not forgetting keeping notes from those times you say I cannot forget this and that scenarios.
